If you have a mental health disability and cannot work, you might qualify for Social Security benefits. To qualify, Social Security must decide that you cannot do work that you did before you became ill and you cannot adjust to other work because of your medical condition(s). Mental Health conditions that might entitle you to Social Security Disability benefits include:
- Schizophrenia
- Mental Retardation
- Autistic Disorders
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Schizoaffective Disorder
- Personality Disorder
- Bipolar Disorder
- Substance Abuse Disorders
Your disability must also last or be expected to last for at least one year. Social Security pays benefits only for total and long-term disability. To qualify for Social Security Disability (SSDI), you must be covered by Social Security Insurance by having paid Social Security taxes. If you have limited income, you may also qualify for the Supplemental Social Security Income Program (SSI).
In determining whether you qualify for benefits, Social Security will consider such factors as your ability to function independently, appropriately and effectively; the amount of supervision or assistance you require; the settings in which you are able to function and your ability to function on a sustained basis.
Your functional limitation will be rated within four areas: activities of daily living, social functioning, concentration, persistence, or pace, and episodes of increased symptoms. If your mental impairment(s) is severe (resulting in at least two of these restrictions), evaluators will determine if it’s severe enough to be a listed mental disorder.
At Ramos Law, we know how to use Social Security Disability laws to win benefits for our clients. Not only do we know how to use the law to your advantage, we win more for you because we put our heart into what we do.
For a free evaluation with a Connecticut or Massachusetts Social Security Lawyer, you can complete the form on the right side of the page or call toll free (860) 519-5242. Our office represents Social Security claimants throughout both states and has offices in Hartford, CT and Springfield, MA.
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